Sunday, August 30, 2020

Alaska 2020 .....under the wing


Recently, on a windless bluebird day, I had the chance to fly into Denali National Park. I flew in Carlisle’s airplane piloted by her friend. I took photo after photo, but when it came time to organize them, it was overwhelming. So, I let my iPhone do some of the work!


There are hundreds of glaciers, jagged snowy peaks and winding mountain passes within the Park. We flew in and out of these passes with our wing tips seeming mere inches from solid granite walls.

Emerging from each pass, I was presented with a new panorama more magnificent than the last.

Pools of blue glacial water dotted the valley floor like scattered sapphires, jewels deposited for the camera lens to capture.

Our flight ended in a casual search for gold. We landed on a dirt strip used by a mining claim in the Dutch Hills near Talkeetna. A cow moose sauntered off as the airplane touched down. I rolled up my pant legs and walked into the clear water of Dutch Creek without removing my running shoes. I focused on the white quartz which was highly visible despite the current. I hoped one stone might contain a streak of gold making it worth carrying home. My imagination fueled my search. For a few hundred dollars, I could buy what I was searching for in a local gift shop, minus the cold wet feet.

Enjoy your one minute flightsee ...... choosing music to accompany iPhone video is definitely something I need to work on!

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