Friday, August 2, 2024

Mother lode

Our friend, Trapper Tim once said, “a visit by family to Alaska is more precious than gold”. 
I know this is true. Leaving our family behind in Vermont during our summer stay in Alaska is always difficult. So, when our son Levi and family traveled from Vermont to our Alaskan cabin in Talkeetna, we struck it rich. 
As soon as their plane landed, weeks of rain became a distant memory, sunshine streamed down and the air warmed. Our days together in Talkeetna were filled with swimming, dog mushing, river running, backyard fires and Denali views.
Fish Lake

Clear Creek yielded Rainbow trout and Arctic grayling.

Tigger Lake hydration.

Our daughter, Carlisle travelled from Fairbanks to join us followed by her husband, Luke, who flew his plane down. Soon after, we headed north to Chandalar Lake. We flew in two airplanes, Luke piloting one and Lisle the other. It’s a three hour flight to their lodge in the Brooks Mountains, above the Arctic Circle.

Luke, Levi, Joanna and girls

The dog, Pika, rode comfortably with me in Carlisle’s plane.

Our days at the lodge were filled with chores and fun. Temperatures in the 80s called for numerous beach parties. Hot dogs were roasted, s'mores were consumed and a kite was launched. The clear water of Chandalar Lake and Tobin Creek refreshed the body and soul.

A new outhouse was built, kitchen cupboards were repaired after being destroyed by a bear last fall and the garden was weeded and refreshed with new seed planting. Luke flew folks into the high country to dig for crystals and one grandchild's dream of "driving a 4 wheeler by herself" was granted many times.


Cutting the barrel for the outhouse hole.

Testing the seat
cupboard repair

 Quartz doesn't compare to gold in value, but on this day, it was priceless. 


Blueberry picking! Mosquitoes too.


One of our many beach walks yielded driftwood horses which were painted and named. 
Checkers and her foal will arrive at their new home in VT this October. Many hours were spent practicing dressage, ending in a final trail ride to the runway before boarding the plane for the ride back to Fairbanks.

It was sad to see our family leave, but our time together was unforgettable. Perhaps their visit helps them understand our love of Alaska and why we will visit as long as we're able. 

                        "Life is a journey, and every goodbye paves the way for a                                   new hello".


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