He hooks one.
He runs stealthfully to the bush.
Around the bush, to the beach.
Help arrives!
Fishing for Sockeye, is a repetitive action.. Toss, sweep then tug at the end, toss sweep and tug. Place the hook at 2:00, sweep or drag it to about 10:00, pull it up and do this again. This action is repeated over and over while staying perfectly synchronized with your neighbor. It all goes well as long as every ones clocks are reading the same time. Problems occur when I'm doing 2:00 to 10:00 and my neighbor is doing 3:00 and 6:00. The hope is that eventually your swings in and out of the water will occur at the same time. Knowing the person fishing on either side makes it so much easier when the tangle of lines happens. And, believe me, it will happen! When the hook up occurs, it can be pretty frantic with folks crossing over and under each other trying not to lose their fish. When a fish is foul hooked, anywhere but in the mouth, the fight can be wild with the fish heading to the middle of the river at a furious pace. The hook is likely to return to shore at the same break neck speed with which it left so it is good to wear safety eye wear. Getting a hook in the eye or head is not good!

Where are my action shots?
Carlisle had been nursing a hurt foot for a few weeks. A visit to the Sunshine Clinic revealed a break.
The cast.
Heading for a swim in Fish Lake.
A Beaver, airplane that is.
The cabin looks great thanks to Bucky's ongoing hard work. The roof is now on and we are prepared for electricity!