Bears seemed to appear everywhere.

We left the Alaskan Highway again to travel down through the town of
Carcross and on to
Skagway. Carcross lies between Whitehorse and Skagway. This was perhaps the most beautiful part of the trip so far. We were totally surrounded by mountains and drove up into high mountain valleys with lakes holding to the sides of the mountains. Snow came right to the roadside. It would rain and then clear with clouds hanging in the air.

We felt our way to the small outpost of Fraser through pea soup fog. It was here that we crossed back into the US and first entered Alaska. After bouncing back and forth from BC to the Yukon, it was nice to be on home turf. We now have been 5200 miles since we left VT. We'll check out
Skagway tomorrow and then board a ferry that will take us the short distance to
Haines. It is 15 miles to
Haines by water and over 300 miles by land. We've heard it's a beautiful
mountainous place. I guess we'll find out if the fog lifts and the rain stops.