Friday, July 1, 2022

And, so it began……

June 29,2022

A refreshing breeze swept the remaining petals from my orange poppies. They fell to the ground leaving behind a misshapen purple center, resembling a hairy plum. A multitude of day lilies stood ready to explode with orange blossoms to replace those of the poppies. I was pleased I was able to plant two perennials that ensured my small flower garden would have color for the bulk of the summer. 

The freshly mowed lawn was emerald green, quenched by recent rain. With calculated precision, Bucky’s mower blade had spared clumps of wild daisies that seemed to nod their white petaled heads as I passed by. Bread Loaf mountain looked down from a cloudless sky of royal blue. I smiled internally at this scene. Our renters would soon arrive from Boston to be greeted by a perfect Vermont day.

The last of our belongings were now securely stored in our motorhome. The tasks of readying the house and packing the RV hadn’t become easier, although repeated for the last fourteen summers.  However, the process of going through kitchen cupboards, crowded closets and pantry shelves, that resulted in tossing, recycling and donating items, left me feeling cleansed and rejuvenated.

July 1, 2022.   

Interstate 90, can be hair raising, but it provides a fast, direct route East and West. Trucks barrel by with what appears as mere inches between them.  Motorcycles with helmetless riders rocket through traffic defying death with each turn of the handlebars. New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, followed by the rich farmland of Indiana. Here, the Midwestern heat hit us hard.  Evidently, we don’t have the hardiness or the resilience of those who survive midwestern blizzards and scorching summer heat. We sweated, waiting patiently for the sun to set. Hours passed and the sun’s heat just seemed to intensify as it neared the horizon. Finally, on a landscape as flat as a sheet of paper, at about 10pm, the sun disappeared from view. A cool breeze followed and we drifted off to sleep in America’s heartland.

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