"Just google public parking downtown and Nashville's best barbeque."
"Trip advisor gives 5 stars to Jack's Barbeque and there is NO public parking for RVs in downtown Nashville."
Before long, we had the Greyhawk sprawled out in fan parking at LP Field, home of the Titans. Thank you Camping World sales lady for the gem of parking advise. Thanks also to Max, the salesman originally from Lake Placid, New York, for showing us the new smaller Class A motorhome, wetting my appetite for this instead of BBQ.
The Steese Bridge provides pedestrians an easy walk to old Nashville while providing a wonderful view of this city. Nashville is a tasteful combination of old brick and new glass architecture.
Jack found us before we found him. A sign wasn't necessary as we followed our noses down Broadway.
We prided ourselves with our perfect timing as the line grew behind us. Skipping breakfast helped to make the brisket, pulled pork, chicken, corn bread and overcooked green beans taste better than they looked. We sat at a sunny picnic table near the back alley enjoying country music and laughter coming from the rooftop of Tootsies next door.
Finishing before Bucky, I stepped into the alley and to my surprise, realized that I stood in Ryman Alley, behind the famous Ryman Auditorium. Just one of the surprises that accompanies touring with no map and Google as our guide.
Some snow and ice still held on in the shadows, but Nashville was feeling Spring Fever, or maybe this is the way Nashville always is on a Friday afternoon. Street performers and barroom bands created a nighttime feel.
The guy in the striped hoody ended up playing the bucket and was very good, getting the sidewalk crowd clapping. If I were to rate the street acts on Trip Advisor, these fellows would get 5 stars, whereas the cowboy playing the guitar with his cat lying across the top....maybe 1 star. Below is another of the many seeking fame in Nashville
Tennessee, famous for her walking horses, whiskey, moonshine, music and Southern cooking.
Popcorn Sutton, R.I.P.
Girl Power
If I were to go to Trip Advisor and rate Jack's BBQ, it would rank somewhere between so-so and don't bother, but then again, if I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have stepped out back and ended up at the Ryman. If I were to rate Broadway, it would easily get 5 stars. If I were giving stars for boot shops, Nashville is up with the best of the West. As far as a place to visit on a Spring day in April, without hesitation, 5+*****. Now, let's see how Alabama does
Predator fans