Sunday, August 14, 2011

Arthur Mannix

We spent an afternoon visiting with Arthur Mannix, log home builder, friend and mentor of Carlisle.  Arthur moved to Talkeetna for the climbing after graduating from UNH back when Talkeetna was a small town with few tourists.  Times have changed, but Arthur has stayed.  He holds a wealth of knowledge on all things in the outdoors.

logs peeled by Carlisle for addition on Arthur's house
Arthur and his wife Karen have been great friends for Carlisle to have.  She has savored every bit of wisdom that Arthur has provided her with.  I'm sure that now she could build the best of log cabins.  Arthur and his brother Chris value the old architecture in Talkeetna and have worked hard to preserve this.  Arthur is currently involved with a grant to establish a wood boiler and a plan to provide the Talkeetna Elementary School with wood heat and a plan to make this sustainable.  The savings to the town for a long winter of warmth will be significant.  Arthur and Karen also brought the One Tree Project to Talkeetna Elementary, teaching academics areas through the birch tree native to Alaska.

Gin pole erected by Arthur and Carlisle to lift logs into place.

Heading back to Arthur's workshop to see what he's working on

Arthur showed us his birch basket capable of holding several gallons of water without leaking.  This was just one of his One Tree Projects.

The always handy, birch rain hat !

detail on Mannix cabin
We'll spend more time with Arthur and Karen during our stay and if Artie stays true to form, there will be some exciting tales to pass along.  We are happy to report that Sutton is progressing with his recovery and is now rehabbing in Burlington.  He has been able to shuffle a bit using a walker and is working hard to be able to make the move back home which will make us all very happy.

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