On July 4th, we were in Kenai where the Kenai River enters Cook Inlet. This is the point at which many Sockeye begin their long journey into fresh water to spawn. When the fish are here, it is a dipnetting frenzy. Unfortunatly for us, only Alaskan residents can dipnet, others are not even allowed to handle the fish. Today the water was fishless and the town was focused on a 4th of July parade. Bucky and I scored with two free bags of kettle corn being given away by a family who couldn't sell it as planned due to not having secured the proper permit. Their loss was our gain, at least a couple pounds each. Kenai, by Alaskan standards, is an old town with strong Russian roots. While the town was at the parade we walked with Fisher on the beach in complete solitude. The moment we stolled by this Russian Orthodox Church, the pastor stepped onto the front porch to sweep. It was a Geographic photo moment, captured by a point and click.