Friday, July 4, 2008


July 4th

What a way to celebrate our independence! Our weather has been spectacular. We picked up the Phinneys in Anchorage on the first of July and headed directly to Katmai Air. It was here that George, Jane and Bucky jumped into a small float plane to see at eye level a calving galcier. Since AK is about snow, ice and water both fresh and salt, this was an excellent way to introduce the state. All they could say was, "It was awesome". You are undoubtedly wondering why I, Jorene, did not go and the reason was, the plane could take only 3 with Jim the pilot. I know that I will have my chance later. Bucky and I also followed the Matanuska Glacier into Palmer AK during our drive from Tok to Anchorage and had ample opportunity to photograph and watch the changing glacial landscape. The night of July 2nd and July 3rd was spent most comfortably at Riley Creek Campground within Denali Park. We challenged our riding ability by signing up for an 11hr schoolbus ride to Wonder Lake, the furthest destination within the park. Only select authorized private vehicles are allowed to drive the one park road and upon completing our 200 mile trip, it was most apparent why this is. Cliffside driving, grizzlies grazing, caribou racing at us down the center of the road and rabbits intent on committing suicide took a better driver than any one of us, so we were happy to put our lives in the hands of Frank and listen to the many interesting German visitors on the bus. Having some wine packed in our ample lunch also helped pass the day. As there is no darkness at this time of year in AK, we dined until midnight and tried to close enough shades to allow for sleep. What a life!!! Today it's off to Fairbanks and a soak in Chena Hot Springs. George asks, "Do they have fireworks in AK?" As it is never dark they won't be too effective. Must go...

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