June 22-23
Arrived in Victor Idaho and spent a couple of days with Levi and his friend Mike. As the Snake River in Jackson was too high to fish we travelled into the hills and fished Flat Creek up high without much success but saw some beautiful scenery. The next day we put the boat in on the South Fork of the Snake in ID. and had a great time floating the day away. We all caught fish and enjoyed the blue skies and sunshine.
June 24
We left Victor and made the long drive through Montana and Alberta, arriving at Dawson Creek,BC on the 26th to begin our drive to Anchorage on the Alaska Highway.
The Highway was uneventful until Pink Mountain.
June 27
Today was phenomenal. We drove through the Northern Rockies all day with wildlife popping out all around us. We followed glacial rivers and came upon lakes as blue as the Carribbean. The mountains are sometimes rugged and snow covered and other times bald and smooth with rock. We saw bears, moose, caribou, stone sheep and an elk. After a time we almost hoped not to see another animal, as we needed to get to the Yukon. It was just a terrific day and one that we both hope will repeat itself tomorrow. We are camped at Watson Lake, YT which is certainly not what you might see in the travel brochures, but I suppose a somewhat typical Yukon town of hard working people. We feel so fortunate to have the support of our family making this trip possible.