Bucky was able to pick off a few Spruce Grouse along the way which won't be as tasty as Ruffed Grouse, but hopefully they had been in the berries.
colorful heads
Right now the blueberries are past, but the cranberries are at their peak along with certain mushrooms. I am weak on mushrooms so I only dare to pick one, called a gypsy. I have no idea if that is its real name. They are super tasty.
Carlisle and I hunting for grouse and gypsies.
Bucky among the Princesses
Lots of game trails....mostly moose.
From the tracks, it's only a little further to the Susitna River. Bucky was still hoping to find some late Silver Salmon, but I think he needs to let go. Because we spent the summer in VT, he missed salmon fishing and hasn't faced this fact.
Bucky behind some Devil's Club, on Lady's Loop. This plant is hated by all Alaskans and avoided if at all possible.
Beautiful berries of the Devil's Club loved by bears....hated by humans, note the thorns.
of moose and men
Rosehips, great for jam
A lingering blueberry even good when dried.
Delicious high bush cranberry, a treat to suck on while walking and high in vitamin C.
Watermelon berries, great thirst quencher.
The Alice in Wonderland mushroom, amanita, don't eat.
mature amanita
These looked delicious but, I only pick gypsies!
Alaska is rich in edibles, both for humans and wildlife. Our afternoon walk put some food on our table.
grouse breasts